For what it’s worth, a new tier of gear “Epic” has also been added. The other changes include adjustments to Peacekeeper, Nobushi, Warden, Shugoki and a ton of different adjustments to the Raider. Though it helps the defensive meta, Ubisoft chose to fix it since it’s both an “unintended and most importantly, unreliable mechanic”. Then there are the “soft feints”, which essentially allows players to cancel Guard Breaks or Light attacks by triggering another Guard Break or Attack very quickly. This mostly applies to the right stick, used for switching guard mode, and has a default value of 10 to start with. More importantly, however, it allows players on consoles to customize the stick dead zones on their controllers. A new patch will be going live for Ubisoft’s For Honor on May 16th and adds a ton of balance changes for its heroes.